Chaminade University of Honolulu
Course Syllabus Repository

Welcome to Chaminade University's syllabus repository.

The purpose of this website is to serve as a centralized database of syllabi for courses taught at Chaminade University allowing students and faculty as well as the general public to view these syllabi.

All instructors are required to upload their syllabi through this site each session.

Syllabi, while open to the public, remain the intellectual property of the particular faculty member as well as the University and may be used by the University as examples for new instructors of the same or similar courses. Fair use by the public is allowed; however, syllabi should be appropriately referenced if used in whole or in part. Reprinting for sale or for inclusion in anthologies and/or other commercial projects requires written permission from an appropriate University authority.

If you have any questions regarding use of this repository, please contact [email protected] - If referencing a paticular syllabus please include its File ID (Listed on "More").

Uploading a Syllabus?

We've enhanced our security! If you have appropriate access, you may login to upload a syllabus by using your Chaminade ID # and associated password. This is the same login information that you use in the WebPortal and WebAdvisor.